The Unexpected Visit

As soon as my brother and I arrived home, an energetic buzz filled our compound. Workers were busily sweeping and cleaning, they was an unexpected visit. On our way to the house, Mom called us over. She had exciting news: a special visitor was coming in an hour! Without a moment to lose, we changed into our best outfits and joined the efforts.

With so many helping hands, the chores became a breeze. Indeed, many hands make work light. In no time, we finished, and the workers bid us farewell. We snacked and chatted with our mother, who hinted at the visitor’s special status, piquing our curiosity.

Precisely five minutes past noon, a convoy of three sleek black cars rolled into our compound. Among them, I saw a face that surprised me as much as a three-legged cow would. It was Mr. Mwachichi, the wealthiest man in our village. I had never imagined him visiting our home, let alone entering it. He sported a navy-blue suit that matched his blue shoes, while his bodyguards wore sharp black suits with purple ties.

Without delay, they strolled into the living room, and we were asked to retreat to our rooms to allow privacy. Overcome by curiosity, I ventured to listen through the door, despite the old saying. To my shock, I overheard a conversation I wasn’t meant to. Mr. Mwachichi asked if Mom wanted to join a drug dealing cartel, a high-risk, high-reward venture.

Tears welled up in my eyes. Was my mother really considering such illicit dealings? My thoughts swirled like a tornado, leaving me bewildered. Just then, my mother firmly responded with a resounding “no.” Sirens blared from all directions, revealing the truth. My mother was an undercover police officer, and she had gathered all the evidence they needed. Who would have thought my mother was a secret hero working for the police?

Moral: Work for Good.

Read another interesting tale click the link Unlucky On Saturday

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