Bleating Billy and his friends

The story of bleating Billy and his friends. The chairs in the basement store had a life. They used to come alive when no one was around. They would spend their time talking and telling each other stories. One chair called Billy was different. He was the only chair that could walk around the basement and this made all the other chairs jealous of him. Interestingly, none of the other chairs looked like Billy, and this made him gloomy as he could never fit in with them. He was always complaining about how his life in the basement with other standstill chairs was boring. Because Billy talked so much he was given the nickname Bleating Billy.

The other chairs could never stand Billy and they were always spitting disses about his differences. This always made him feel bad that he one day decided to leave his home and find a new home to live in. Since he never knew any of his parents, nor where he came from, he just decided to start walking around the streets hoping to bump into someone friendly.

Billy was walking around lost in his thoughts when a group of human kids who were playing on the streets mistakenly hit him making him fall into the nearby lake. It was while he was sinking in the water, and struggling to swim that he noticed that his hands and legs did not look like those of his chair family. Thinking he had become human, he somehow got the strength to swim up to the lake’s shore, only for him to realize that he was just a goat.

Moral: The mind is a powerful tool.

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