The big hit

The tale of the big hit. There was once a boy who loved music so much. He would spend his days listening to music and he looked forward to the day when the whole world would also listen to his beautiful songs. The odds however were against him. Everyone in his town would spit bad vibes about music, and how no one seemed to make it. In fact, they would always tell him of how most musicians failed.

One of the professors in the town was always heard quoting that there were 2 million musicians every year trying to get famous and only 10% of them actually got into the music business. The fact that he did not even go to school to study music, or any other profession for that matter did not work for him either.

Despite all the discouraging words, he did not let anyone’s opinions bring him down. He still maintained his hopes high knowing that one day, his music would be good enough for the world.

His dreams were not small either. One day, he decided it was time for the town to hear his music; he went to the town’s square located in the middle of the town, connected his guitar to the loudest speaker that he could find and started playing his music. “What is the point of starting small?” he thought.

One by one, people came until a crowd too big to be contained was formed. Everyone streamed in from their houses and workplaces to listen to the beautiful angelic tunes that he was playing.

The crowd was enjoying his music. He was finally a big hit.

Moral: Go big or go home.

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