Monkey Wars

This story is about monkey wars. There was a time when the monkeys of the world started getting smarter. They soon realized humans treated themselves better than every other animal on earth. The humans lived in wonderful houses. The humans had everything they needed available for them to use as they wished. They put animals such as monkeys in cages for their own amusement.

They decided to change that and pull a reverse card on the humans. It took the monkeys twelve years to plan out what they needed to do. The monkeys endured the humans for twelve years, being treated like newborn children. Getting fed bananas, and little did the humans know that the monkeys were planning something sinister.

As soon as they spread the plan to all the monkeys of the world, they put it to work. First, the gorillas were going to reveal their true strength. Which they hid because they were okay with being in a cage and getting fed by humans. The gorillas would break all the cages the monkeys were in. All around the world the monkeys were to steal weapons from humans so they couldn’t fight back. The monkeys would then take over the world and be the new main animals. That was their plan and it worked. For now!

Sadly, there was one problem, there weren’t enough big gorillas in the world to give protection to the little ones everywhere as the revolution was taking place and this meant that some places did not experience the resistance. The humans felt the monkey wars needed to end. So, the humans slowly started taking over their reigns from the monkeys that had taken over using weapons they made from combining homemade items.

The monkeys weren’t going to give up either because they had planned this take-over for twelve years. They weren’t going to be caged up again, so they thought. They took to their backup plan and that was to have a truce with the humans by negotiating for their own houses and good food other than the same bananas that they ate day in, day out.

Unfortunately, there was no way for them to communicate with the humans so they were chased back to their cages; and this time even more reinforced cages to avoid a repeat of such a catastrophe again.

Moral: Think every detail of your plan through.

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