Hero tales

Hero tales. The greatest short stories ever told. Here, you will find stories about the greatest heroes.  Who is the hero of your story? Children let’s gather around the reading nook for a great hero story.

The Man Was Creative

The Man Was Creative

In the ancient days when folks were just figuring out how to construct cozy homes, bathing was an adventure fraught with peril. Streams raced with...

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The evil people

The Evil People

Where you find this land of great wealth, there was a kingdom where the sun always seemed to shine, and the people lived in harmony....

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The Faithful Farmer

The Faithful Farmer

There is a land far away, who lived a kind-hearted faithful farmer named Ishmael. He resided in the midst of nowhere, accompanied by his cherished...

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Got Better

It Only Got Better

Faraway in the distance existed a mysterious land, who lived a man named Clark. One day, he found himself in a dimly lit room, accompanied...

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The Wakeup Call

The Wakeup Call

Once upon a time, in a small town, there lived a girl named Shuba. Her life was ordinary, filled with studying and helping her parents...

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Secret Agent Jack

Secret Agent Jack

There was a secret agent called Jack who was disguised as John Redman. He had been sent by one of the top-secret agencies to watch...

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The evil orphanage

The evil orphanage

This is a story about the evil orphanage. The only thing he had of his parents was a picture they had taken while he was...

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The Backyard Treasure

The Backyard Treasure

Mom and son had heard stories of treasure in their backyard. They would spend most of their time digging through their backyard looking for the...

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The chicken professor

The chicken professor

The tale of the chicken professor. There was once a chicken that was known for being very dumb. He did not think of anything he...

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