The bored princess
3-6 Years
Catchy Tales

The Bored Princess

This is the story of one bored princess whose curiosity led her to tragedy. Once upon a time, a curious princess named Ann lived in a grand castle. Ann wasn’t like other princesses; she didn’t like to sit around in her fancy room, waiting for something exciting to happen. She

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Lost in the Desert
Interesting Tales
Catchy Tales

Lost in the Desert

A boy who was tricked into a dangerous journey where he gets lost in the desert and learns that sometimes, the hardest lessons can lead to the greatest discoveries. There was a boy named Olla. He didn’t have much food, and to survive, he would steal from people’s shops and

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Slum Lady
Interesting Tales
Catchy Tales

The Fake Slum Lady

This is the story of the lady who wanted to experience life in the slums that she disguised herself as the slum lady. In the leafy suburbs of the North, lived a kind lady named Annette. She had everything she could ever want—big houses, fancy clothes, and delicious food. But

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My trip to Zanzibar
Interesting Tales
Catchy Tales

My Trip To Zanzibar

This was my first trip to Zanzibar and I was glad it all turned out to be a fun trip It was a bright and sunny day, and I couldn’t believe it — today was the day my family and I were heading to Zanzibar to visit our sick uncle!

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The Goat who Taught us to Eat Meat
Interesting Tales
Catchy Tales

The Goat Who Taught Us To Eat Meat

In the tale of The Goat Who Taught Us to Eat Meat, a boastful goat’s rampage led people to discover the taste of meat, changing the way they ate forever. A long, long time ago, while exploring some old caves, I found this amazing story, and I just had to

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Monkey wars
Interesting Tales
Catchy Tales

Monkey Wars

Monkey wars is a story of an unexpected war that broke out between monkeys and humans once upon a time. Once upon a time, monkeys of the world had started getting smarter—a lot smarter. They noticed something that made them really upset: humans were living way better than any animal.

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The Price of Cruelty
Scary Tales
Catchy Tales

The Price of Cruelty

The Price of Cruelty tells the story of a girl, locked away and mistreated by a cruel woman, who takes a dark turn to reclaim her freedom in a shocking and terrifying way Joan had the wildest imagination anyone could imagine. Her creativity soared, but it wasn’t enough to escape

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The good man
Interesting Tales
Catchy Tales

The Good Man

The good man started helping stranded drivers on the highway, only to find his idea quickly copied, leaving him with nothing. There lived a man who felt bored and unsatisfied with his life. He wanted to do something meaningful, something that could help others, but he didn’t know where to

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A mysterious animal
Interesting Tales
Catchy Tales

The Mysterious Animal

In a jungle where animals are divided by what they eat, a mysterious animal confuses everyone. In a jungle filled with all sorts of creatures, lived a man named Flij. Flij was considered special by all the animals because unlike the others—he didn’t belong to either group of animals. You

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The patient dog
Interesting Tales
Catchy Tales

The Patient Dog

The patient dog learnt that patience, loyalty, and love can lead to a brighter future, even when wealth is not part of the picture. There was once a dog who longed for an owner, just like all of his other dog friends. Every day, the other dogs would brag about

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