My Trip To Zanzibar

My trip to Zanzibar
This was my first trip to Zanzibar and I was glad it all turned out to be a fun trip

It was a bright and sunny day, and I couldn’t believe it — today was the day my family and I were heading to Zanzibar to visit our sick uncle! Everyone was so excited because it had been a while since we saw each other.

We usually called him on the phone to wish him a speedy recovery, but this time, we were going to surprise him in person.

To be honest, I kind of expected it, but I wasn’t as excited as my two sisters. They were so ready for the trip, they started packing five whole days before we were supposed to leave!

Me? I packed the night before, as usual.

Finally, the day arrived, and we were off! We hopped on the plane, ready for a long 12-hour flight. The flight was a bit boring, but the in-flight TV kept us entertained. Some of us were so tired, we just slept the whole time.

When we finally landed in Zanzibar, our parents told us that we were going to surprise our uncle at the hospital. He had no idea we were coming! We couldn’t wait to see his face when we walked in.

But when we got to the hospital and asked for his room, the nurse gave us some surprising news!

It turned out that our uncle had made a special arrangement with the hospital. He usually got to the hospital by the time we video-called him pretending he was really sick and in need of medical assistance.

My parents could not believe what they heard and could not wait for him to get to the hospital for his ‘daily check-in’. He needed to explain to my parents what he had been doing!

It turned out that our uncle had lost his job a while ago and didn’t want to tell anyone. He couldn’t afford rent or food, so he started pretending to be really sick to get money from us. Instead of being honest, he made up the whole story.

We all forgave him, but my parents were really upset. They were especially mad because they had spent so much money flying all the way to Zanzibar just to find out that he was lying all along!

Me? Well, now I had the chance to enjoy Zanzibar without worrying about taking care of my sick uncle.

I got to see the beaches, the markets, and everything else the town had to offer!

Moral: Always tell the truth. Lying to get what you want is never a good idea! You will always get caught!

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