An unexpected visit

The tale of an unexpected visit. Today was such a cold day and I just wanted to spend the day at home enjoying the heat that came from the heater. I was all cozy under the blanket reading a book that I was looking forward to finishing when my doorbell rang. Secretly hoped that whoever was at the door would go away but he kept on ringing the bell. I had no choice but to open the door, all with a fake smile.

Standing at the door was my neighbor Clark who had my mail with him. Turns out the mailman had accidentally dropped off my mail at his house. He was courteous enough to drop it off for me. Clark was a peculiar man. Just the other day, I could have sworn that I had seen him flying off into the night.

Then again, I cannot be too sure since I had taken a few glasses of beer. And today, with all the cold, he didn’t seem fazed with it at all. Eager to go back to my peace and quiet, I quickly took the mail from him, thanked him and he went back to his house.

I was eager to open my mail as I had ordered a new mouse for my laptop a few days ago. I was looking forward to finding my new mouse when I opened the mail but, that was not the case.

Instead, I found a jar filled with cookies and a note in the box next to it that read, “Enjoy these wonderful cookies, they will be your last.” I read it and was so confused.  Was the sender going to kill me? I wanted to call the police but decided against it as it could just be a misunderstanding.

But just to be sure, I did not want to eat the cookies as they could have been poisoned. I went back to reading my book until I fell asleep. My nap lasted for about 3 hours when I was woken up by the doorbell ringing yet again.

I figured it must have been Clark or the mailman coming to bring me the balance of my mail. I was still hopeful that it would be my mouse. But, at the door was my sister who had just traveled back from the US. What an unexpected visit.

It turns out she had come to live with me from today and I forgot she was coming. She also sent me that box with cookies because it would be the last time she would send me a gift. Thank the lord I did not call the police.

Moral: Don’t be too quick to take action.

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