The boy who kept time

The boy who kept time

This is a story about the boy who kept time. There was this one child in the estate who was so annoying. He would spend his days wondering the neighborhood streets doing some very annoying things. Like in the morning, he would run around screaming and hitting metal objects together. He constantly was making so much unnecessary noises that would wake everybody up. At lunchtime, he would throw food at people’s houses which made them feel hungry. In the evening, he would do another run around the neighborhood holding a very big bell that he would ring continuously.

If the neighbors were not cleaning up after the mess he did at lunch time, they were dealing with the strange noises he made. Life was now becoming unbearable. It was now becoming difficult for them to concentrate on anything, be it at home, at work and even at school.

People tried talking to him to stop doing these things but he would hear none of it. They tried talking to his parents to get him to stop but his parents had also given up on him. The same way the boy did not listen to the people in the neighborhood, is the same way he did not listen to his parents. In fact, he was so disrespectful to his parents that it was said he did even more annoying things when he was at home.

It was like everyone including his parents was tired of him and they all decided that it was time to get rid of him.

One morning, as he was getting ready to start his usual morning routine, he was met by an angry mob. The mob captured him and chased him out of the town. At last, they would now have peace of mind. Oh so they thought.

They however did not realize how much they had gotten used to the boy and his shenanigans. From when he was gone, they were never able to do anything on time. They woke up late, slept late, never ate their food at the right time. They realized the annoying boy was actually the boy who kept time. Eventually, the town earned itself the name ‘Lazy Town’. Everyone who came from this town somehow seemed to have a problem with keeping time.

Moral: Sometimes things you think are bad could do good.