The fake pen

The story of the fake pen. There was once a man who loved painting. He spent his days and nights trying to perfect his art. Until he was said to be the best. People sometimes asked him to paint something random for them. And it somehow came true in the future with every exact detail.

He was a kind and generous man but there was only one thing that he wanted. The man wanted a magical pen that turns everything you’d draw into reality. He heard stories about the pen. He traveled to many places searching for the pen but alas, he found nothing. One day while he was sleeping he had a vision, he was climbing Mount Kaln and about to die when he fell on something very hard. It was the pen and that was where his dream ended.

He knew what he had to do, he immediately packed everything he needed and went to climb the mountain from his dream. He never knew how far ahead he needed to go, so he decided he would try to reach the top of the mountain. The man kept climbing for 3 days until all his food was depleted but he wasn’t about to give up. Without the pen, all this would have been for nothing. Eventually, he ended up collapsing due to a lack of strength, and just like in his dream, he fell on the pen.

He took it and with his remaining strength, he drew a heater and some food to eat. They immediately shot out of the pages and came to life but not as he had expected. They were instead made out of paper and were of no use to him. He realized he had found a fake pen.

It was at this point that he just accepted his fate and lay down in the snow waiting to die.

Moral: Think through your decisions

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