The poor millionaire

This story is about a poor millionaire. Bravo came from a family that was extremely poor. They lived in an old broken down shack in the slums of kambuzi. With no money to buy any food, clothes, or blankets. They would eat mud as their food and weave grass to make clothes, blankets and anything they needed to keep warm. For school, Bravo’s family could not afford to take him to school. His parents would teach him what they knew which unfortunately was not much as his parents did not have much knowledge to offer.

This did not discourage Bravo.  In fact, he worked very hard in the slums doing many odd jobs to get some money to help his parents. His hard work eventually paid off. When he got older, he got a job in one of the local banks as a cleaner. Here, he was known for his diligence, being the first one in and the last one out. He always made sure that the office was spotless. During his tea and lunch breaks, he would borrow one of the computers to teach himself more about business.

Soon, his bosses started to recognize him for his diligence and willingness to always learn. They promoted him to handle some of the office jobs and eventually he become a trusted manager in the bank. In all this, Bravo never forgot his parents. He cared for his parents so much that he gave them access to his bank account. He allowed them to use the money whenever they needed to use it. Without any restrictions.

Unfortunately, his parents were not used to having all the easy access to the money. The more Bravo made, the more money they took from the account. Sometimes more than they were supposed to, still Bravo was generous enough to allow them. He was beginning to seem like a poor millionaire.

Bravo continued working hard and he eventually became a millionaire, making more money than he or his parents could spend.  Despite his generosity, his parent’s greed grew even bigger. It eventually clouded their thinking and instead planned to steal all the money that had been put in the account and run away to a city never to be heard from again.

Guess what? Bravo soon found out that his parents were not his real parents. It turned out that they had stolen him while he was young. To him, everything started making sense.

Bet you weren’t expecting that, were you? Unless of course, you are really smart!

Moral: When people do weird things, investigate, don’t just brush it off.

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