The two faced swordsman

The two faced swordsman

The tale of the two faced swordsman. There was once a swordsman who was really good at using his sword and because of this, he was made the protector of his village. The people decided that as the master of the sword, he was the best person to be the town’s hero. As with him, it was expected that no evil would ever get past him. To everyone in the village, he was the clearest choice for this job.

The village was at peace for some time until one sad day when a bandit attacked it. The bandit came in the night killing everyone walking under the moonlight. Although not a lot of people went out at night, there was still a decent chunk of people out and they all died. The bandit continued coming back to the village killing everyone walking around in the night and soon the population started decreasing as each night passed.

Although no one understood why the swordsman did not show up to save them every time the bandit approached, the village elders decided that it was time to get him to come and save them. They sent a messenger to the swordsman’s house to inform him of what was happening in the village but as soon as he got near his house, he was attacked and killed. The village elders sent another messenger and just like the first one, he was killed just as he was approaching the swordsman’s house.

Looks like the killer never wanted the swordsman informed of the situation in the village; but the truth is that it was the two faced swordsman who was the killer and soon after, he killed the whole village.

Moral: Not everyone deserves to be a hero.

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