The sand eating girl

The tale of the sand eating girl. There was once a girl who loved playing with sand. Her favorite activity was making sand castles with the sand. She would look forward to going outside every day to play with it. The girl had also formed an interesting habit…. She would always eat a grain of sand for good luck. The girl believed that the grain of sand gave her good luck and it seemed true. As it seems every time she ate the sand, she would have the best of time, as everything she wanted, she got.

On rainy days, however, the sand would stick together with the soil. Since she never wanted to stay a day without eating the sand, she would end up eating a very big chunk. Strangely, this gave her even more luck than on normal days when she ate the grain of sand.

No matter how many times her parents warned her about eating ‘dirt’, she never listened. In fact, she called it her ‘lucky charm’. And yes, no matter what, luck would truly be on her side.

This is until one day when she was playing till late in the evening when it started raining. As it was usual for the sand eating girl, and while she was running home, she quickly grabbed the chunk of muddy sand and put it in her mouth…. On this day, however, something tasted disgusting. The mud did not have the same usual taste that she was used to. Turns out she has just eaten a snail along with the mud.

She was quickly rushed to the hospital by her parents for a checkup. The doctor tried everything he could to remove the snail from her body but unfortunately, it had already merged with her cells.

From that day onwards, she became very slimy.

Moral: Don’t do something you are not supposed to do.

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