The crazy cow

The tale of the crazy cow. Lenny lived in the mountains isolated from everyone. When he was young, just about 5 years old, a man slapped him and called him a cow. This made Lenny so upset that he ran away, never to return to his home. From then on, he started living by himself as a cow, eating the fresh grass in the mountains.

Life was good for him living by himself. He enjoyed the peaceful mountains and this made him not feel the urge to go back to his home at all. This is until one day when he became very sick from eating grass. To seek help, he decided to go to the city and look for a veterinarian. He needed one who would cure him from whatever was ailing him. He went from veterinarian to veterinarian looking for medicine. But they all refused to serve him telling him that they do not serve his kind.

At first he thought they were disrespecting him until he decided to go to a different kind of hospital for help. The doctors could not believe his condition. They realized that he was not okay and they immediately chained him up taking him to the hospital for crazy people. He was acting like a crazy cow.

All he wanted was to go back to the peaceful mountains where there was no noise but now, here he was locked up along with the crazy people. Lenny did not like being chained up.

Has the world gone crazy? He wondered!

Moral: Don’t take everything you are told literally.

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