The dumb pig

The tale of the dumb pig. Poppas the Pig loved watching movies and there was one movie in particular that he watched over and over again. He always found it interesting; the “Yellow Brick Road”. The movie fascinated him so much especially because he did not have any friends and he wished for the day that he would also make his own friends.

One day, he decided to take a walk around the neighborhood and as he was walking down the road, he came across a yellow road. He remembered the yellow brick road from the movie he loved so much and decided to follow it in the hope of meeting some new friends, who he would go on an adventure with.

He walked and walked until he came across a pair of monkeys. Excited, he asked them whether they would be his friends and with a devilish smile, they said yes to him. They continued walking together down the yellow brick road until they came across a Lion. Again, the pig asked the Lion if he wanted to join them on their adventure. The Lion just winked at the Monkeys and agreed to the Pig’s request.

When nightfall came, the monkeys led the gang to a nearby cave to spend the night. Pig was so tired that he fell asleep almost immediately while the Monkeys and the Lion pretended to fall asleep. Immediately the pig was asleep, the Lion tied up the dumb Pig, giving the Monkeys a chance to steal all his valuables….and the Lion got the time to enjoy a filling and hearty meal.

Moral: Do not trust strangers.

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