The Ugly Alien

Once there was an alien who was known to be the ugliest one on his planet. Everyone on his planet was very handsome and they all believed he was abnormal for looking different. They all bullied him day in, day out when he was a child, and this hurt him very much. He did not let this kill his spirit. Having read many stories like the Ugly Duckling with very beautiful endings, he believed that he would also have his happy ending one day. He hoped that he would grow up to be a very handsome alien on his planet. Still, this did not happen.

This is a tale about the ugly alien. Once there was an alien who was known to be the ugliest one on his planet. Everyone on his planet was very handsome and they all believed he was abnormal for looking different. They all bullied him day in, and day out when he was a child, and this hurt him very much.

He did not let this kill his spirit. Having read many stories like the Ugly Duckling with very beautiful endings, he knew that he would also have his happy ending one day. He hoped that he would grow up to be a very handsome alien on his planet. Still, this did not happen.

He decided that he would work very hard to become the richest alien. When he grew up, he became a musician famous for creating beautiful funk music. Every time he played his music, the aliens would get enchanted by the beautiful tunes. With all the fame and fortune he acquired, he still was not happy as all this was not of value to him. Instead, he longed to be handsome just like everyone else.

He traveled from planet to planet playing his music. On one particular trip, he found a planet full of people like him….ugly. At last, he felt his heart was finally home. On this planet, they all saw him as very handsome. Happy, he moved in with them, he continued performing his music and he lived happily ever after. The ugly alien was no more.

Moral: Don’t be ashamed of who you are

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