Nimz and Her Family

Nimz and her family
The tale of Nimz and her family is one of love and curiosity.

Nimz lived with her parents and two brothers. All of them except Nimz knew how to whistle lovely tunes. All she wanted was to be like them. She kept practicing but no matter what, she was never able to whistle as everyone did.

She decided to ask her family for assistance. First, it was her father:

Nimz: Dad, can you show me how to whistle?

Dad: Just put some oil on your lips, and that will make them slippery, producing the best tune.

Nimz: Thanks, dad!

She went on her way happy to try out what she had just been told…. but she couldn’t whistle, if anything, her lips just became so moist sliding past each other.

Next, she went to her mum for assistance:

Nimz: Mum, can you show me how to whistle?

Mum: Easy, just take some glue and seal the ends of your lips….That’s all.

Nimz: Thanks, mum!

She went to try out what she had been told by her mother, but this did not work either. Instead, her lips stuck together making it impossible for her to talk. Next, she went to one of her brothers.

Nimz: Greg, can you show me how to whistle?

Greg: I know, this is how I learned how to whistle when I was younger; just brush your lips and you will be able to whistle.

Nimz: Thanks, Greg!

Happy to finally have an answer that works, she quickly tried the advice that her brother had just given her; but instead, her lips just got bruised. Once again, she had failed but she still decided to ask for help one more time, so, she went to her other brother, Jacob.

Nimz: Jacob, can you show me how to whistle?

Jacob: That’s simple, just shape your mouth like a circle and after one full day of staying like that, you will be able to whistle.

Nimz: Thanks, Jacob!

Once again, she had been lied to; this time, her mouth just got tired of staying in one position all day that she could not talk or even eat.

Sad and disappointed, she decided to go for a walk, just to be away from her family. She could not believe the ridiculous things her family had made her do.

She was so lost in her own thoughts that a bike almost ran her to the ground.

Nimz quickly ran to tell everyone what had happened to her and as she started telling her story, she was exclaiming saying “I was just strolling in the park, when the bike just went pheeeeew…’ and just like that something happened; she started to whistle.

Moral: Don’t believe or follow everything you are told especially when it doesn’t sound right.

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