The Zapping Alien

The Zappin Alien

The Zapping Alien is a story of one alien who zapped everyone in his way for knowledge

Once there was the zapping alien called Arnold. He was one of the smartest aliens on the planet. One day, while he was exploring the planets in his spaceship, he found himself on the neighboring planet. This planet that had a long-standing grudge against his planet as it was believed that once upon a time, village elders in his town had said mean things about their queen. To keep the peace, both planets agreed never to visit each other.

Unaware of this truce, Arnold had accidentally started a war by wandering into this neighboring planet. He felt really bad and wanted to fix his mistake. Being super smart, he created a special “brain zapper” that could zap out knowledge out of the aliens from the other planet. He hoped this would help make things right.

When the day of war came, he armed all his planet’s aliens with the brain zapper which they used on the enemy aliens. They collected knowledge using the zappers and put it in a gigantic chest made of diamonds which was stored in Arnold’s secret hideout

Over time, Arnold became very curious about what was inside the diamond chest. So, he made a “reverse zapper” as he wanted to put some of that knowledge into his own brain. He was excited to learn so many new things! His hunger for knowledge continued to grow and soon, Arnold had consumed all the knowledge that had been collected in the chest.

The more Arnold zapped and learned, the more he wanted to know. His craving for knowledge grew so strong that he began zapping aliens from his own planet too. His brain became so stuffed that it just couldn’t hold any more knowledge.

Finally, with a huge bang, Arnold’s brain couldn’t handle it anymore and exploded it into a million pieces. Arnold was no more, and the zapping alien was now gone.

The neighboring planet and Arnold’s planet learned an important lesson: Sometimes, trying to fix mistakes can lead to bigger problems if we’re not careful. And sometimes, it’s best to just say sorry and find a peaceful way to make things right.

Moral: Too much of something is a bad thing. 

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