The wonderful scribbles

The wonderful scribbles

The story of the wonderful scribbles. There was once a boy who loved painting scribbles. What surprised everyone was that the scribbles were loved by people from far and wide. They would come looking for these ‘beautiful paintings’. Other artists tried their best to make even better paintings but people still went looking for the colorfully painted scribbles.

This made the other artists so mad as the only people who seemed to love their art were their family members. To them, they were offended that a boy who did not even put much thought into what he did somehow surpassed the beautiful work of art that they had dedicated so much time on.

To get even, all the artists got together and decided to kill the boy.


They decided to instead copy the boy’s work and pretend that they were the original creators of the painted scribbles. Why do we have to work so hard, they all wondered?

To date, the paintings of the wonderful scribbles have become so popular.

Moral: Not everything in life has to be complicated.

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