The Wicked Mermaid

The Wicked Mermaid

In the wicked mermaid, a spoiled mermaid’s cruelty catches up with her when her kind sister returns for help.

There lived a mermaid who liked being in charge of everything and everyone in the entire kingdom. As the only remaining daughter of the king, she was allowed to rule and reign over the other sea creatures as she wished.

She had everything she could ever want—lots of jewels, beautiful clothes, and the finest food. She was very very spoiled and only cared about herself.

On the other side of the ocean was a poor mermaid who lived a very happy life… Just kidding!!

She lived the worst life in the whole ocean. She didn’t have jewels or fancy clothes. In fact, she didn’t have anything at all. She was very poor and spent her days swimming around, hoping someone would give her food.

Her life was hard, and she was always very sad.

One day, she decided that she had had enough. She would go back to the castle and beg the king for her old life back.

It took her a few hours to get to the castle as it was far from where she lived. When she got there, she found that the king had left the kingdom for some business in the neighboring kingdom. In his place, she found the king’s spoiled daughter instead.

“Please, sister, I am so sorry for everything. Can you forgive me?” the poor mermaid asked, tears in her eyes.

 At first, her sister was confused about this rugged beggar in the castle asking for forgiveness until she realized that the poor mermaid was her sister that she kicked out years ago. She had never liked the fact that their father seemed to favour her sister more – so she planned to have her sent away from the castle, telling her father that her sister had been involved in a bad accident.

“Why are you here you witch…. Please get away immediately! Father thinks you are dead and it’s going to stay that way” The spoilt wicked mermaid replied.

She quickly ordered one of her closest guards to lock the poor mermaid sister in the dungeon.

But just as the guards were about to take the poor mermaid away, one of the king’s most trusted helpers saw what was going on. He knew how the king had lost all hope at the news of his daughter’s loss and that he would be heartbroken if he found out what was going on.

So, he quickly told the guards to put the mean mermaid in the dungeon instead!

She stayed there until the kings return. The king was very happy to have her long lost daughter back home, and now she too would also help in ruling the kingdom.

Moral: Evil will always get what it deserves.

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