The merman who didn’t listen

The merman who didn’t listen

The story of the merman who didn’t listen. There was once a merman who lived in the sea. He was one of the oldest sea creatures having lived for over one thousand years. He had been made king by all the other sea creatures. None of the animals were able to play with him because he was so strong and powerful. Anything that got close to him would somehow end up hurt. With this kind of power, the animals named him the ‘protector of the ocean’.

The only animal that came close to his powers was the biggest whale in the ocean but even he did not want to play with the merman. The merman had become so accustomed to always winning and beating everything in its path that it eventually got bored of what was on his island and he wanted some adventure for himself.

In his boredom, the merman remembered a story he had heard. While he was young, his father used to warn him about making some mermaid sounds. Sounds that his father had said would awaken the fierce Kraken from its deep sleep. He had become so bored of his days with no adventure that he did not even care what would happen to him once the merman sound went off.

Unfortunately for him, the merman who didn’t listen was heard by a submarine full of scientists that had been monitoring the area. The scientists were so fascinated by the merman that he was immediately captured, caged and tests conducted on him.

Why was I even using the mermaid’s call? The merman thought to himself. He regretted making the mermaid sound. All he wanted to do was go home.

Moral: Do not do something you are not supposed to do.

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