The vanishing act

The tale of the vanishing act. It was early morning when this teen was watching TV. He loved watching magic tricks as he hoped to one day be known for being the best magician in town. One of the tricks he wanted to practice was escaping unnoticed from difficult places. This morning, a dumb idea came to him. He was going to annoy a policeman by slapping him on his butt. Then get taken to jail and from there plan his escape.

Told you it was a dumb idea! Well, he did not think through his idea, so he left the house and went looking for a cop on patrol. A few meters from the town, he found a cop who was talking to his friend on phone. Unaware of what the teen boy was planning to do. Before he could finish his phone call, he felt a big kick on his legs and shortly after, a slap on his butt. The boy did not even run away, instead, he just stood there taunting the cop, making him angrier and angrier, causing him to immediately arrest the boy and take him to jail for the night to teach him a lesson.

Now his plan seemed to be coming together, or so he thought. He planned to practice the magic trick that he had learned by escaping from the prison walls. This however became a mistake that seemed to turn his life upside down. That night, he managed to pull a vanishing act and disappeared from jail. The cops however did not take this kindly, they did not see the trick in his magic, and instead, they saw him as a fugitive escaping from the law.

From then on, it became a game of cat and mouse between the teenage boy and the cops with the boy managing to escape from every sort of jail that the cops put him in using his tricks.

The cops were never able to contain him for more than a few hours and they nicknamed him Majesto.

Moral: Think through your ideas before implementing them

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