An Unlucky Experience

Jackers was one of the unluckiest people alive. Anytime he did anything, something would always go wrong. His luck was so bad that no one in the town wanted to be near him as they were afraid that something bad would also happen to them, and because of this, he was a very lonely man.

Jackers was one of the unluckiest people alive. Anytime he did anything, something would always go wrong. His unlucky experience was so bad that no one in the town wanted to be near him. They were afraid that something bad would also happen to them, and because of this, he was a very lonely man.

He never seemed to enjoy his life as something bad was always bound to happen to him or around him. Like this one time, while he was stepping out of his house, a meteor hit it destroying the house and everything in it. Another time while he was at the beach, an octopus pulled him under the water nearly killing him. His worst unlucky experience, was when he had gone to the supermarket and a herd of elephants ran through almost crushing him.

One day the town was attacked by a hideous creature that ate everything in sight. One by one, the creature ate everyone in its path including Jackers. He was among the last people to be swallowed, no one was spared. Scared, everyone in the town hurdled together not knowing what to do next. For once, the town was more scared of what was about to happen to them. They didn’t mind being near Jackers as they thought the worst was yet to happen.

Just when everyone had hurdled together, a gigantic tube pierced through the creature’s stomach blowing out everyone in the town into the air. Jacker’s luck had followed him causing the bad luck on the monster and this made the town to be saved.
Grateful, the town realized that everyone has a place. They thanked Jackers for saving them from that horrifying unlucky experience and they all became friends from that day.

Moral: Nothing should stop you from making friends.

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