The spoiled boy

The spoilt boy

The story of the spoiled boy. There was once a man who had a magical pen that would bring to life anything that was drawn with it. He was a very good artist. The pen he used made the drawings look even better. Once his drawings came to life, they would be under the artist’s command. The artist was able to tell them anything and they obeyed him. Once he was done with a drawing, he would erase it and it all would immediately disappear from existence.

Everyone wanted to see his drawings. People came from far and wide just to see the drawings that came to life. With his pen and drawings, he became very popular, and soon, he was known for being the richest person in town.

One day, something tragic happened. The artist was involved in an accident and he died. He had one child who was so spoilt that he did not know how to do anything for himself. Anytime his dad tried teaching him anything, he would dismiss it knowing that he would always have his father’s money to take care of him. And with that uncaring behavior, he started misusing his father’s money.  Soon after it started running out and eventually, there was nothing left for him to squander.

When all the money had run out, the spoiled boy remembered his father’s magical pen. He tried to use it. Thinking he could bring drawings to life. However, his drawings were so bad that no one was interested in them. With no money to sustain him and no one coming to view his horrible drawings, he decided to sell the pen to one of the artists in town. Without much thought and with the greed to just have money quickly to spend. He decided to sell the pen for 1 million dollars only. It was after he had sold the pen that he later realized that the magical pen was worth much more than what he sold it for. The artist could have been more than a multi-millionaire if had he just taken some time to do some research.

Moral: Don’t be too quick to do something.

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