The Rich Kid

The rich kid

Stan the rich kid learnt a very important lesson that we should all learn

There was once a rich boy called Stan who was known for being the most selfish boy in school. He always treated other people around him so badly that nobody wanted to be around him. He never shared any of his things and he always believed that he was better than everyone else. This made everyone who interacted with him hate him.

Stan always called the kids in his school poor. He was always complaining that there was a stinky smell in the school caused by the ‘poor’ people. To show his classmates that he was better than them, Stan forced his parents to change his school. He claimed that his school had a funny smell that was caused by the poor kids around him.

Tired of his complaints, his parents agreed and they transferred him to one of the richest schools in the town. He was happy to now be in a school that he thought to be in his league.

Unfortunately for Stan, something tragic happened and his parents lost all their money. They could no longer manage the lifestyle they had become accustomed to. And soon were unable to afford Stans school fees.

To survive, his parents slowly started selling everything they owned. This was including the house they lived in and eventually with nothing left to their name, they started living on the streets. Stan could not believe what was happening to him, but still, his ingratitude still did not change.

He somehow always thought that his parents were playing a cruel joke on him and that he would get up from this bad dream…. but that never happened.

With time, his parents started to get small odd jobs just to get them going. Every day, they would go to a home that needed cleaning and make sure that the house was well maintained.

One day, his mother wanted his help in getting her job done. His mother not only wanted to teach him the importance of work and the need to appreciate the small things in life; but the family also needed to earn double the money that day. She thought they would be able to cover more cleaning ground with Stan’s help. 

He agreed. It was only when he got to the home they needed to clean that he realized it belonged to one of his old classmates. He was embarrassed to be there but he still had to keep going.

When his parents had gathered enough money to take him back to school, it turned out to be his old school.

Unfortunately for him, his old classmates remembered how mean he used to be mean to be and would always tease him for working in one of the classmates homes.

Moral: Be good to everyone no matter who they are.

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