The Good Man

The good man
The good man started helping stranded drivers on the highway, only to find his idea quickly copied, leaving him with nothing.

There lived a man who felt bored and unsatisfied with his life. He wanted to do something meaningful, something that could help others, but he didn’t know where to start.

After much thinking, he remembered how he often saw people on the side of the highway, struggling to fix their broken-down cars. “Maybe I can help them”, he thought. “It’s a small thing, but it could make a big difference for someone in need”.

He didn’t know much about cars, but he decided to teach himself.

He spent weeks learning how to repair vehicles, starting with his own car and practicing different techniques.

After about a month, he felt ready. He was nervous, but determined, and headed to the highway, hoping to help whoever needed it.

When hegot to the road, he saw a few people with car troubles.

He immediately got to work, fixing their cars and offering advice. Some of the drivers were extremely grateful. They thanked him and even gave him a few dollars as a token of appreciation. However, not everyone was so polite. A few just shrugged and left without saying a word.

At the end of the first day, the man realized he had earned fifty dollars. It wasn’t much, but it was a pleasant surprise, and he couldn’t believe how simple it had been.

He realized that this could be the perfect way to help others while earning money at the same time.

Excited, he decided to make it a regular routine. Each day, he spent time on the highway, offering car repairs to those in need. As he continued helping, he made more and more money, growing wealthier each day. He loved his new “job,” and it felt incredibly rewarding.

Soon, however, other people started noticing his success and began copying him. They set up their own repair stations along the highway, offering free repairs with the hope of earning tips like he had.

Before long, there were so many stations all along the highway where people could get their cars fixed—for free.

With so many people offering free repairs, drivers stopped giving tips altogether.

What had once been a profitable idea had turned into a service people took for granted.

The man who had started it all now found himself with no customers willing to pay for his work. The tips that had once seemed so generous vanished, and the man realized he had been outnumbered.

What would he do next?, he wondered.

Moral: Stick to your own lane

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