The girl who wanted a dog

There was a girl that always wanted a dog ever since she was a child. She begged her mother for a dog for as long as she could remember. Sadly the mother never had enough money to get and sustain a dog. One day, the mother had enough of her daughter’s begging so she hatched a plan that would make her hate dogs once and for all.

First, she had to save up a lot of money in order to do what she planned. For the next few weeks, she worked really hard doing extra shifts. She worked herself to the point where she would get home so tired. Too tired to do anything except go straight to bed. But, it was all worth it in the end she had saved up more money than ever before. She even wondered if she should continue working this same way for the rest of her life.

With the money at hand, she was now ready to execute her plan. She was determined to change the mind of the girl who wanted a dog. One Saturday, she took her daughter to a movie for the first phase of the plan. The movie had dogs that were so sickening it would make any dog lover just hate dogs. This was not all, the mother then took her daughter to a dog house full of horror. The horror house had people dressed in realistic dog suits with the sole intention of scaring those who visited it. This scared them so badly that even the mother was scared.

When they got back home later that evening, the mother offered to buy the girl a dog and it was at this point that she would see if her plan had paid off. The girl luckily said no but then she said “I hate dogs. After today, I never want to see another dog in my life…. but I want a cat. They are soo cute.” The mother gave up and wondered if she should have just gotten a dog with that money instead.

Moral: Don’t try to fix what’s not broken.

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