The carnivorous girl

The carnivorous girl

The tale of the carnivorous girl. There was once a village that was believed to eat human body parts. Neighboring villages did not want to interact with people from this one village. They feared they would one day be eaten alive. While none of these villages had proof of people eating human body parts, they had heard of some of the lessons that were always taught to the people. The lessons described how to eat the human body should there be an emergency that led one to do so. The classes would share information on which body parts were edible while raw and which body parts were to be eaten cooked.

As much as such classes were always held in the village, no one had ever really eaten a human. The elders had always insisted that this was only to happen in case of an emergency. But there was one girl whose curiosity could not be held back.

One day after her classes, she went to the graveyard and dug up some of the freshly dead bodies. She wanted to try and cook them based on what she had been taught. She loved eating and the taste of the human body was so tasty that she enjoyed eating every bit of it. Every evening, the carnivorous girl would go back to the cemetery looking out for freshly dug graves. Until eventually there was none left for her to dig up and eat from.

By this time, her urge to eat human parts was so strong that nothing else tasted good to her. With no dead bodies to dig up, she decided that it was time to start killing the people in the town. And just like that, she killed everyone in the town eating them one by one.

Before the town could discover who was responsible for the deaths, it was already too late as only one of the village elders was still alive by this time to tell the tale. Before the girl could get to him, he ran to the neighboring village for help. They all came guns blazing ready to arrest the young girl. She was taken to jail where she remains to this day.

Moral: Be careful not to cross the line.

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