The blind scared girl

This is the story of the blind scared girl. Ana always thought she was blind. Ever since she was born, she could not see anything. It was then that she decided to close her eyes and never open them. What she lacked in eye-sight, she made up for, with her personality. She was always positive that all her friends loved being around her. She would be the one making everyone laugh and have fun.

On her 6th birthday, her parents organized for her a big party with all her friends and family. Everything was going perfectly until the time came to burst open the piñata. When it broke open, there was no candy stashed inside it. It was like someone had stolen all the candy. As much as she could not see anything, she could sense the disappointment from all the kids who were at the party.

Then it was time to cut the cake. When the mum went to bring out her cake for everyone to sing her the birthday song, she found it missing from where she had left it. She looked for it everywhere. The little girl’s mother asked all the other parents to help her look for it but they all did not find it. For some reason, something was out to ruin her birthday.

She was so disappointed by how her birthday had turned out that she decided to leave the party. The little girl took a walk around the estate. She knew her neighborhood well enough to walk without any assistance, so she just took her fancy walking stick to help her.

Before she had even gone 10 steps away from her home, a car approached her from behind. Someone jumped out and quickly shoved her into the back of the car. She was taken to an abandoned warehouse, tied up and it was at this point that she heard people talking about what they would do to her. “First, we will cut her hands, then we will gorge her eyes out…. I am sure that will get us some good money”, they said.

The blind scared girl was so scared that she opened her eyes. She did not even realize it but her fears had made her open her eyes just to see where her last place on earth would be. It was then that she realized that it was all a trick. Her parents had decided to prank her with a bigger surprise party, that they hoped would scare her into opening her eyes.

Moral: Don’t be afraid to explore

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