How humans became smart

The story of how the humans became smart. Did you know that there was once a time when chickens were never eaten? In fact, it was the other way around; the Chickens were more superior than the humans, much smarter and the humans were their favorite dish. They had been setting up traps for the humans since time in memorial catching them for as long as they could remember.

One day, the chickens decided that it would be easier for them if they caught all the humans in one go so as to make it easier for them. They were tired of always running after the humans and setting up traps for them. They thought that they would catch all humans once and for all, and all they had to do is feed them until the time when they were ready to be eaten.

The Chickens set up a giant trap, enough to fit all the humans and filled it with their favorite food; seeds and grains. This attracted all the humans from every corner of the earth straight into the trap. All coming for the free food that had been set up for them. Once the humans were inside the trap, the Chickens closed it and raised their flag on a metal pole as a sign of their victory. The flag was also used to signal to all the Chickens the location of their food.

As the Chickens were celebrating their victory, something unbelievable happened; lighting and thunder started striking straight out of the sky and just then, the humans and the Chickens switched brains. From that day, the humans became smart and the Chickens were left to enjoy the seeds and grains.

No one has ever been able to reverse the effects of this lighting and thunder.

Moral: Sometimes even the best-laid plans can take a turn

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