A mysterious animal

A mysterious animal

This story is about a mysterious animal. There was a man called Flij who lived in the jungle with many different animals. The animals that ate plants lived separately from the animals that ate meat. As the meat eaters always hunted the plant eaters. The meat eaters were called ‘Flesh’ while the plant eaters were called ‘Greens’.

Flij was considered superior since he was neither a meat eater nor was he a plant eater like the rest of the animals. He ate both meat and vegetables and this made all the animals in the jungle respect him. In fact, they always called upon him to categorize the animals. One day, while Flij was out exploring the edges of the jungle he found a mysterious animal. He took it to the center of the jungle and called a meeting with all the animals, Flij wanted to decide where this unknown animal would belong.

The flesh brought meat to the meeting and the greens brought sweet plants with them. The unknown animal confused everyone because it was similar to humans. It ate both the meat and sweet plants. This was the first animal of this kind. No one had ever seen an animal that ate both plants and meat. After some thinking, Flij decided to give the animal to the flesh purely on the fact that the greens had a much larger population of animals compared to the flesh.

Once the meeting ended, Flij gave the greens a thirty-second head start for them to run as far away as possible before the flesh could get to eat them. Of course, some of the slower greens were still eaten by the flesh.

At first, the flesh were excited to have the new animal joining them but after a few days, they realized that the animal was incredibly lazy and all it did was just eat and sleep. While the rest hunted for food and this really annoyed them. The Flesh named it ‘pig’ which meant a greedy, dirty or unpleasant thing but it did not care, as long as it had food.

The flesh could not stand the pig’s laziness and they knew that he would ruin their reputation; so they all marched to Flij demanding that he take him back or they would eat him.

Flij had no choice but to take the pig in with him. It only took a day for him to realize just what a burden the pig was.

“This pig is just too filthy”, he thought, “It has eaten so much food so to take away the burden from everyone, I shall eat it”.

He immediately killed the pig and roasted it because unlike the flesh, he found that cooked things tasted better…..and let’s just say he started hunting pigs from that day.

Moral: Don’t be a nuisance.