The teasing children

The story of the teasing children. Every evening, the kids in Jero’s school would laugh and tease him for always being accompanied by his father. Unlike other children in the school who walked home by themselves. Jero was picked up by his father from school. After school was the best time. The other children would spend most of their time out playing and having fun as they walked home. While Jero and his father always headed straight home for him to get started on his homework.

In the evening adventures, the children started experiencing bad things. One day, a robber attacked them and stole all their books getting them in trouble with their parents for losing their books. And with their teachers for not doing their homework. Another time, they were attacked by a group of dogs that were roaming the neighborhood making them run so fast until they were out of breath.

Every week, there seemed to be something bad that happened to them on their way home. The last time they were attacked, it was a clown that had blocked their way. The clown hoped to steal the sweets that they usually bought while on their way back home. He wanted to punish the teasing children. This time, however, the kids decided to gang up and chase after the clown in the hope of catching and scaring him off.

The kids eventually managed to catch the clown and they started beating him up, He could not bear the pain, then he told them it was Jero who had paid him. Jero wanted them to be ambushed as they made their way home. He even told the children that all the accidents that usually happened to them after school was planned by Jero. Who was jealous of the fun times that the children always seemed to have while on their way home from school.

Angered by what they had just learned, the children decided to march to Jero’s house to confront him. When they got to his house; just when they were about to ring the bell, a radio-active hippo charged out from Jero’s house chasing the children away from his house.

Turns out this was to be the next bad thing that Jero had planned for them.

Moral: Be careful of who you tease, you never know what they are capable of.

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