The Speaking Trees

The speaking trees
The tale of the speaking trees is one of unexpected beginnings.

The trees and I were best friends. We used to have big parties and play games together whenever I could. I was the only human who could understand the trees’ language. You might wonder how that’s possible. Let me tell you a magical story. Let’s start from the beginning.

A long, long time ago, about three hundred years, humans and trees lived together in perfect harmony. Everything, including the humans was green and beautiful. Humans and trees could talk to each other, and the world was a lovely place to live. We all took care of one another and enjoyed our magical world.

But then, something terrible happened. A horrible disease spread across the planet. This disease affected all the humans in the world, changing their color to what we know now today and even made them forget everything. But somehow, the trees stayed the same. They tried to help their human friends but they were not able to.

The trees tried their best to remind the humans of the old ways and their special friendship, but it was no use. The humans began to live differently, and they didn’t understand the trees anymore. Sadly, they even started cutting down the trees to make fire for warmth and build their houses. The trees felt very sad and unsafe around the humans.

While all of this was happening, I had gone for a space exploration adventure. My trip took so long that when I finally returned to Earth, I was amazed at what I saw. The humans looked different and spoke in ways that no one understood anymore.

Yes, I am a human too, but I look different. I’m what you might call an alien, and I’ve come back to remind everyone of the old magical friendship between trees and humans.

Moral: Be good to everyone no matter what.

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