The muffin man

The muffin man

The story of the muffin man. There was once a muffin shop that was known all over town for its delicious muffins. The owner of the shop, baked extraordinary muffins that were loved by everyone. He was so kind to the customers who came to the shop. Most of them did not want to leave and they just kept coming back for more. As a result, he became one of the richest people in town

One day, as he was unloading some of the ingredients he had just bought, some thieves came and stole the van with all its goods from where it was parked. In trying to save his goods and the truck, he started screaming while running after it. He hoped that he would catch up to it and at the same time attract the attention of his neighbors and others in the town with his screams.

The screams irritated the thieves so much that they decided to reverse the truck killing the man on the spot. By this time, a crowd had gathered and soon the thieves were all captured and taken to jail for stealing and killing him. The town was sad to have lost such a wonderful man and it was at this moment that they realized that none of them knew what his real name was.

However, to remember him, the town made a song about him. It went like this:

Do you know the muffin man, the muffin man, the muffin man,

Do you know the muffin man,

Who lived on Trudy lane.

Moral: Good people will always be remembered.

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