The guy who wanted to be superman

The guy who wanted to be superman

The tale of the guy who wanted to be Superman. There was once a boy who had watched the story of Superman. The boy was so fascinated by his story. He thought to himself that one day he would travel to another planet. Acquire superpowers to help people in his town just like superman did. He dedicated himself to working hard so that he could get rich enough to buy himself a rocket that would take him to this special planet.

When he was old enough, he made sure that he worked very hard and became very rich. His childhood dream was still alive and as soon as he had accumulated enough money, he got himself a rocket and planned his journey to the planet called Mars.

Why Mars you may ask?

Well, as he studied Superman’s movies and comics, he noticed that no matter what color suit Superman wore, his symbol was always red. What’s more, he always had to have a red cape with him. The fact that his eyes emitted red Lazer beams anytime he shot at his enemies with his eyes. This made him assume that Superman must have gotten his powers from the red planet – and that was Mars. This guy wanted to be superman really bad.

When the time came, he got on his rocket ready for his journey. He packed everything he needed which included a large amount of food. The trip was set for an 8-month journey as he moved across the planets to Mars. When he finally got there, he thought it was a good idea to remove his helmet. He wanted to take in the ‘wonderful’ air. To him, he thought he would be inhaling the wonderful powers from this planet that would then transform him into the superhero that he wanted to be so bad.

Unfortunately, this was not such a good idea. As soon as he removed his helmet and inhaled the air, he took in the toxic dust air that immediately started reacting with his body. The fact that there was a lot of radiation and that it was also dangerously cold did not help matters either.

His body could not handle everything that was happening to it so it exploded.

Moral: Always do thorough research before embarking on a project.

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