The fighting brothers

The tale of the fighting brothers. Nico, Jinji, and Foji were three brothers who hated each other. There were always fighting with each other and they never seemed to agree on anything. Their parents had tried everything they could to get them to bond but nothing seemed to work. Tired of the constant fights by the boys, the parents needed a break from all their bickering. So they decided to take some time away from the house by going on a 3-day trip. They also hoped that this time away would help the 3 brothers bond.

To survive through the 3 days, the brothers came up with a plan. Each boy would have a day in which they were expected to do all the house chores giving the other boys the chance to play and visit their friends during their free time.

Day 1 was Nico’s turn.

Being the eldest, he knew how to run the house like clockwork. He managed all the chores in record time and even managed to make a nice dinner for his brothers. This gave Jinji a chance to play on his gadgets the whole day and Foji a chance to play outside with his friends.

Day 2 was Jinji’s turn.

Jinji was the second born in the family and while he knew how to do most of the chores, they were not done to perfection. Nico took the day to visit his friend’s house and Foji spent the day playing outside yet again.

Day 3 was Foji’s turn.

Foji was the youngest of the 3 and he did not have any experience in doing house chores. His brothers were nowhere to be seen as they had taken the day for their fun activities. Foji struggled all day doing what he could to get the house clean and dinner ready for the brothers…. until something went horribly wrong. He mistakenly started a fire while he was cooking!

As soon as Nico and Jinji saw the fire, they quickly ran to the house. They worked together to take out the fire, with one boy filling buckets with water, and passing them on to the next one to pour onto the fire in order to extinguish it. After a while and with the help of the neighbors who had flocked to the house, they were able to fully extinguish the fire.

From this day, the boys became closer, more caring, and helping each other more.

Moral: Always work together.

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