The Evil People

The evil people
The evil people were not always evil, infact, they were once peaceful and kind.

In a beautiful and wealthy kingdom, everyone lived happily and peacefully. The king was kind and never asked too much from his people. They all worked together to make their kingdom a wonderful place, and everything was always going well.

The people believed their happiness was because they were so kind and cared about each other.

But one day, the rains stopped. Days turned into weeks, and the sky stayed dry. The people tried to stay positive, hoping the rain would return soon. But as time went on, and with no change in site, they started to worry more and more.

Soon, they began to argue and blame each other for their troubles.

People became selfish and refused to share their food, even when their neighbors were hungry. A kingdom that once was full of laughter and joy had became one filled with anger and greed. The kind king, feeling the pressure, began to overtax his people in order to keep his kingdom running, making their lives even harder.

The kingdom fell into great sadness and poverty.

As all this was happening, a mysterious figure watched from the clouds high above. This figure was very disappointed with what they saw.

Tired by what he saw, the figure one day came down from the sky and said, “You used to be one of the happiest and kindest kingdoms, but now you’ve forgotten how to care for each other. Instead of helping one another, you’ve turned selfish and cruel. Even the king, who should be guiding his people, has made things worse by taxing them too much. This drought will never end until you learn to be kind and care for each other again.”

The people listened in shock and realized their mistakes.

They knew they had to change their ways to save their kingdom.

Moral: Don’t turn on each other even when times are tough

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