The Deceived Rat

The deceived rat
Berry was the deceived rat who grew up believing that humans were all rat killers.

In a cozy little town, lived a young rat named Berry. Berry was a curious little fellow with soft, gray fur and bright, twinkling eyes. But he had a big problem—he believed that all humans were rat killers!

You see, every time his family went out to search for food, they would come back missing someone. This made Berry believe that humans were just evil beings who only wanted to harm rats like him and his family.

He thought, “Humans are just mean!” and decided that someday, he would get revenge.

The humans on the other hand had become so irritated by the rats that came into their house every evening looking for something to eat that they eventually set up traps around the house; and every day, at least one rat would get caught up in the trap.

When Berry was old enough, he was excited to join his family on their nightly food adventures. To accomplish his revenge mission, he even made a tiny sword from a piece of sharp metal he found. “I’ll teach that human a lesson!” he squeaked confidently.

That night, while his family scurried around the house looking for crumbs, Berry felt brave.

As was the usual plan, his family started collecting crumbs from around the house. They would eat everything in their path, including the shoes and clothes belonging to the humans.

Berry then tiptoed away, determined to find the human who had always hurt his family. He crept into the dark bedroom, where the human was sleeping peacefully. Berry raised his little sword, but unfortunately, his small sword was no match for a human!

The prick from Berry’s sword startled the human from his sleep, causing him to immediately wake up.

By this time, one more rat had already been captured in the trap that had been set up and this had caused a frenzy among the other rats.

It was at this point that Berry realized he was indeed the deceived rat.

As he stood there, Berry began to understand. Maybe, just maybe, his family had been the troublemakers! They often nibbled on the humans’ food and chewed on their things. “Maybe we deserved to get caught,” Berry thought.

Moral: What you think may not always be the right thing.

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