The curious ostrich and the sandwich

The curious ostrich and the sandwich

The story of the curious ostrich and the sandwich. On an ostrich farm lived one curious ostrich that loved to try new things. He loved the adventure of experiencing something new and different.

He had been observing the humans enjoying their food. As it always looked so delicious and one thing that he wanted to try out so badly was a sandwich. The ostrich asked his friends if they had ever tasted the sandwich. His friends warned him against trying to eat it. They told him of how the sandwiches tasted terrible and that they are not good for ostriches.

The curious Ostrich was not ready to take no for an answer. “If I can eat sand and pebbles, then I am sure I can eat a silly human sandwich”, he thought. He took a piece of wood and using his claws, scribbled some pictures. The ostrich wanted to imply that he must get his sandwich from his farm owner or he would run away. He then threw the piece of wood through the window into the farm owner’s house and waited.

Interestingly enough, upon seeing the piece of wood with the scribbles on it, the farm owner understood exactly what the Ostrich was seeking. He prepared a plate of sandwiches for the Ostrich without much thought of whether it would be good or harmful to the Ostrich.

The curious ostrich and the sandwich were finally together. He ate his meal and everything was good. Until night time came and everyone was woken up by a terrible stinky smell. The owner and all the farmworkers came to see what was happening. They were shocked to see the Ostrich excreting so much poop it did not seem to have an end. All the other Ostriches were just laughing at the curious ostrich.

This went on for one week that soon the whole farm was eventually filled with ostrich poop… Poop that the owners were starting to sell to the neighboring farms as they soon realized that it made crops grow bigger and healthier.

The ostrich, on the other hand, had his intestines in so much pain from the week of excretion that he had to be taken to the veterinary.

Moral: Always listen to others before you take any decision.

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