The Body Snatcher

The body snatcher
This is the tale of the body snatcher who was taking children one by one.

My parents had just left the house for a 3 day business trip. It was one of the happiest days of my life knowing that I would have the house all to myself. I called my friends over for a sleepover; a great 3 days was planned for my friends and I.

While we were browsing the internet, we came across a story of a haunted house that was just in our neighborhood. One of my friends had just gotten his driving license so we decided to ‘borrow’ one of my parent’s cars to drive to the haunted house to confirm if indeed it was true.  We were all excited as this would be our one chance to see a real ghost.

Soon, we were at the area we had just read about but there seemed to be nothing interesting happening there. We drove around the haunted house for a while. We were waiting to see something and just when we were about to give up, a red creature jumped in front of us appearing from nowhere, coming at us and trying to open the car doors.

Just when we thought it had given up on us, it jumped on to the roof of the car and clawed out a big opening taking me along with it.

I could not believe my eyes as my friends just sped off and left me to die….

They did not even try to fight the creature to get me back. As these thoughts were rushing through my mind, it somehow happened that the creature merged with me causing me to become one with the creature.

I looked like the creature and my thoughts had also become mixed with his thoughts. I had now become possessed by the red creature. Interestingly, I could feel the power of other boys who I could sense had also been fused together with the body snatcher (It seemed the body snatcher had abducted quite a number of boys before).

Just then, my friends quickly dashed away from the haunted house and drove back to my house. My guess is they wanted to get the car back home and return back to their houses as if nothing had just happened. What they did not know, is that I was flying right behind them as the red creature.

Just when they had reached my house and parked the car, I released a toxic gas that makes people feel queasy the need to go to the toilet. One by one as they went to the toilet, I was right there waiting for them, to capture them and fuse them into my new body.

I could not believe I was doing this. Clearly, I had become a new creature!

I then went back to the haunted house. My new home!

Moral of the Story: Never leave a friend behind.

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