The arguing friends

This is the story of the arguing friends. Bulb and Light Switch lived in the same house. They were always complaining and fighting with each other. To everyone in the house, these two seemed like the worst of friends.

The light bulb liked it nice and bright. While the light switch loved it when it was dark. When the owner of the house was around, the two would always obey his commands. No one would even suspect they were always disagreeing. When the owner left, however, the light switch would take charge and make the whole place dark. This would really upset the light bulb. No matter how much the light bulb begged the light switch to make the house bright, the switch never listened.

Tired of always being bullied by the light switch. The bulb thought, “If the light switch can control me, why can’t I control the light myself?”. He spent his days and nights thinking until one day, he found a way. the bulb was able to now make the light by itself. Anytime the light switch turned off the lights, the light bulb would find a way of making the room bright again. For once, the light bulb seemed to be having it his way.

This is until one unlucky day when the owner came back home only to see the arguing friends. He immediately thought something was not right. So he went straight to the light switch to see what was going on, only for him to cut off his wires, killing him on the spot.

On seeing this, the light bulb was so devastated that the owner had killed his friend. He quickly jumped out of his holding place. Diving straight for the owner’s head only for him to miss him, falling straight to the ground and shattering to pieces.

Moral: Fighting always leads to trouble

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