The annoying birds

The annoying birds

The story of the annoying birds. Firstly, Umoya was an interesting town. It had birds that loved playing tricks on the humans and every day, they would be doing something to annoy them. Sometimes they would just dig out the dirt and worms and place them inside the human houses. At other times, they would just poop on human cars immediately after they had been freshly cleaned.

Secondly, what really annoyed the humans the most, however, was the fact that the birds also loved pooping on their heads. Especially when they walked out of their houses to leave for work. This always made their blood boil out of the anger they felt for the birds and this is what finally made them come up with a plan to get rid of the annoying birds. The humans had finally had enough.

The humans knew of a tirkcy old man. So they called in the old man who was known for his bizarre way of doing things. He came with his magical flute and started playing some tunes which lured all the birds into a cage that he had prepared for them. It was after the music had stopped that the birds realized that they had just been tricked.

By this time, however, it was too late as the humans had all gathered around the cage, where they plucked all the bird’s feathers and prepared a fancy dinner with the birds on the table deep fried to a crisp.

Moral: Don’t be a nuisance.

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