Rock, paper, scissors – The game

There was a boy who loved playing rock, paper, scissors so much that it annoyed everyone including his friends. He used to use the game to decide on any matter irrespective of whether someone was right or wrong and his friends really hated this.

Tired of his constant push towards the game, his friends decided that it was time to teach him a lesson. They took him to the school’s flat roof where they had lined up an actual rock, paper and scissors that they wanted him to play. No matter which item he picked, his friends made sure that he was punished by it. He first picked scissors so they used the scissors to cut off half of his hair; next he picked up rock and for this, they hit him on the head with a rock an finally, when he picked paper, they made him eat it.

While it seemed fun to the friends, he was so humiliated by the experience that he could not help but cry out aloud the whole time the friends were forcing him to play the game.

Once they released him, he immediately went to the principal’s office to tell on what his friends had done to him. The principal then suspended his friends from school for bullying their friend.

Moral: Don’t over-react to situations.

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