Ostrich Pelican and Parrot

There was once an ostrich, a pelican, and a parrot. They were best friends, who stuck to each other through thick and thin. And no one had ever betrayed the other. One day they visited ostrich in the woodlands of Africa. They were chatting as usual when the parrot said something that touched the ostrich. He was talking about how he would later fly across the sky and feel the cool breeze bouncing off him while he watched down on all the other animals.

Pelican was wiser to know parrot shouldn’t be saying these things in front of ostrich. So he quickly ended the conversation by saying, “Thank you so much for having us today but we must go before mid-day arrives.” They immediately said their goodbye’s and left. While on the way, pelican scolded the parrot and told him he does not deserve wings. If all he does is show off knowing all too well that ostriches cannot fly, but it was too late.

The ostrich sat around for the rest of the day wondering why he could not fly even though he had wings just like his friends. He went to the wisest ostrich in the land and asked him this same question. The wise old ostrich told him that for generations their wings had been too small. So small they could not carry the weight of their bodies but he did not let this stop him. He started collecting wings in the hope of making a big enough pair of wings for himself. He kept this a secret from his friends as he wanted to surprise them when he started to fly.

After months of collecting feathers he made a pair of wings that he quickly wore and went to the nearest cliff he could find. Without thinking, he jumped off hoping he could fly. Little did he know that you should look before you leap. He ended up falling to his death because flying just did not come naturally to him. What’s more, you also need to practice. When the pelican and parrot heard about what had happened, pelican hated the parrot. He blamed him for ostrich’s death. He went far away from him never to see him again.

Moral: Don’t show off

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