Film the Filmonger

Film the Filmonger

The story of film the filmonger is about the boy who enjoyed watching movies so much.

Once upon a time, there was a boy named Film who loved watching movies. He loved comedies, adventures, and even scary movies! He would watch films all day and all night. But one day, Film started to feel a sharp pain in his eyes every time he watched his favorite movies. The pain grew worse and worse until he had to see a doctor.

The doctor told Film, “If you don’t stop watching movies and keep your eyes closed for 24 hours, you might go blind!” Film thought that seemed easy enough, so he decided to go to sleep and rest his eyes.

But Film found it harder to sleep than he thought. No matter how hard he tried, he could only sleep for 12 hours. Soon, Film’s curiosity got the better of him, and he started watching movies again.

He thought, “12 hours is plenty! My eyes should be fine.” But something strange happened—his eyes began to grow bigger and bigger!

Unable to control his need to watch more and more movies, Film’s eyes just got so big that they eventually popped out of their sockets! Unfortunately, the children in his neighborhood had recently lost their ball. When they came across Film’s eyes on the ground near their field, they immediately thought his eyes were new playing balls and immediately began playing with them!

Film tried to get his eyes back, but the children didn’t understand him.

He had to go back to the doctor for help. The doctor, seeing that Film’s eyes had grown too big, proposed to give him a new set of eyes — eyes from a chameleon. These eyes could move all around, from side to side and even to the back!

Now, Film’s eyes were always moving, making it very hard for him to watch movies. They never stayed still.

Film wished he had listened to the doctor’s advice and rested his eyes like he was told.

Moral of the story: Always listen to those who know more than you.


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