Film the Filmonger

Film was a boy who enjoyed going to the theatre. He would spend his days and nights watching movies, from comedies to scary to adventure movies, nothing was too boring for him. One day, he started having pain in his eyes every time he watched movies and the pain became too much that he needed to see a doctor. When the doctor saw him, he told him that he would be blind soon unless he shut his eyes for twenty-four (24) hours, after which he would be healed.

The story of film the filmonger. Film, was a boy who enjoyed going to the theatre. He would spend his days and nights watching movies. He loved watching comedies, horrors, and adventure movies, nothing was too boring for him. One day, he started having pain in his eyes every time he watched movies. The pain became too much that he needed to see a doctor. When the doctor saw him, he told him that he would be blind soon. Unless he shut his eyes for twenty-four (24) hours, after which he would be healed.

Excited by how simple the solution the doctor prescribed, he went to sleep right away. He thought sleeping for twenty-four hours would be very easy, but for some reason, he could not sleep more than twelve hours. No matter how much he tried to close his eyes for more sleep, there was no sleep coming for him. He started watching his favorite movies wondering what would be the worst thing that would happen to him. He thought twelve hours were enough for his eyes to heal anyway, but this was not the case, instead, his eyes started growing bigger and bigger.

No matter the warnings he got from the doctor and unable to control his love for watching movies, Film continued watching the movies every day making his eyes grow even bigger. They grew so big that they eventually popped out of his eye sockets. Unfortunately for him, the children in his neighborhood had recently lost their football. When they came across Film’s eyes on the ground near their field. They immediately thought that their coach had bought them two extra balls and they started using Film’s eyeballs as footballs.

Unable to get his eyes from the children, Film the filmonger went back to the doctor for treatment. Having run out of solutions to offer, the doctor could only transplant chameleon eyes to fit his enlarged sockets. With his new set of eyes, his eyes moved around a lot. Moving from the back to the front with every turn making it difficult for him to watch his favorite movies. His eyes never stood still again, and he wished that he had listened to the doctor’s warnings.

Moral: Listen to those who know more than you

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