Dead Mans Fire House

Dead Mans Fire House
The tale of the dead mans fire house was one of the house that was used to teach neighbourhood kids a lesson.

One sunny afternoon, three best friends decided to play hide and seek. The seeker began counting, “1… 2…3….4….” while the other boys ran off to find the best hiding spots. One boy hid behind a giant boulder, and the other boy sneaked into an old, abandoned house near the forest. Both spots seemed perfect, and the boys felt they would never be found…..and…. they never were!

After a while, the boy hiding behind the boulder got tired of waiting. He decided to come out and show off his hiding spot to the rest. Meanwhile, the boy in the abandoned house was just settling in when he felt something hard and rough touch his hand. When he looked, he saw something that made him scream—a spooky, old skeleton!

Terrified, the boy ran out of the abandoned house to find his friends. He told them about the skeleton, but they didn’t believe him at first. They wanted to see it for themselves and asked him to show them the old house.

When they all arrived at the abandoned house, they were shocked to find the skeleton. Curious about what happened, they began searching the house for clues and discovered a creepy note that said, “You deserve this.” The boys wanted to solve the mystery!

They continued searching the house more and found a hidden door that led to an underground bunker (a bunker is an underground room that has been built to protect someone incase there is a disaster).

Inside, they met a strange old looking man with a funny-looking beard. In fact, it seemed like he wasn’t old at all and his beard appeared fake.

The old man told them a story about how the skeleton was that of a sad old man who so bored that he started playing with fire in the house. The fire became too much for him that the bunker he had built could not help him hide from the flames. He spoke of how the fire sometimes comes alive in the abandoned house if it gets full of strangers – and that this was the dead man’s way of keeping his fire house alive.

Later that evening, when the boys were back home, they excitedly told their parents about their day of investigations. To their surprise, their parents laughed and explained that it was all just a prank! Some teenagers had set up the spooky scene in the abandoned house to scare anyone who came by.

So, the scary skeleton and the mysterious fire house were just make-believe.

Turns out the dead man’s fire house was all a lie after all! 

Moral of the Story: Things are not always what they seem to be.

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