12 & Above

The Faithful Farmer
Hero Tales
Catchy Tales

The Faithful Farmer

The faithful farmer loved his animals so much that nothing would take him away from his farm In a quiet, secluded part of the world, there lived a farmer named Ishmael. His farm was a haven for his animals, which were not just his livelihood but his friends. He treated

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It only Got Better
Hero Tales
Catchy Tales

It Only Got Better

It only got better is a tale to remind that that no matter what, it does get better. There was once man named Clark woke up in a dark, unfamiliar room, his head throbbing as if he’d been hit. He blinked in confusion, trying to piece together what had happened

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The highest IQ
Interesting Tales
Catchy Tales

The Highest IQ

Sometimes, having the highest IQ doesn’t make you the best of everyone. There was a girl named Ava who was incredibly smart. In fact, she was so smart that she skipped several grades and even went to high school when she was still very young. Everyone thought Ava was amazing.

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The Man Who Forgot His Reason
Interesting Tales
Catchy Tales

The Man Who Forgot His Reason

The man who forgot his reason is one that reminds us to always remember why we do what we do. There was a man named Jack who dedicated his life to bodybuilding. His dream was to become strong enough to protect his family from any danger that might come their

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A barber with a farm
Interesting Tales
Catchy Tales

A Barber With A Farm

A barber with a farm is a story of the boy who found a way to do what he loved most while balancing his family responsibilities. There was a young boy named Leo who worked diligently on his family’s farm alongside his father. From the moment he could walk, Leo

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He was unlucky
Interesting Tales
Catchy Tales

He Was Unlucky

Tryan had planned for the best day of his life, but he was unlucky through it all It was supposed to be an unforgettable day for Tryan, but it didn’t quite start out as he’d planned. Let me rewind a bit. Tryan had woken up with an electric buzz of

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Yuki knows it all
Interesting Tales
Catchy Tales

Yuki Knows It All

Yuki knows it all is a story of a peculiar boy who listened to no one around him except himself Yuki was a unique boy who grew up in an orphanage. He was a voracious reader, incredibly smart, and a top student. While he excelled in academics, Yuki was never

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Ostrich Pelican and Parrot
Interesting Tales
Catchy Tales

Ostrich Pelican and Parrot

This is the story Ostrich Pelican and Parrot, friends whose friendship came to an end because of one silly mistake In the heart of Africa lived three best friends—an Ostrich, a Pelican, and a Parrot—who shared many adventures together. They were inseparable and trusted each other completely. They had never

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A true Friend
Interesting Tales
Catchy Tales

A True Friend

Do you have a true friend in your life like I do? It was a crisp Sunday morning, and I was buzzing with excitement. My bags were packed, and my heart raced with anticipation. I was about to meet my best friend at the airport. Why? Because I had won

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Lucas the lazy lad
Interesting Tales
Catchy Tales

Lucas The Lazy Lad

The story of Lucas the lazy lad reminds us of the importance of learning the value of hard work There lived a teenager named Lucas who was infamous for being the laziest person around. He had a knack for procrastination, putting off every task and responsibility. Whether it was doing

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