The vengeful boy

The vengeful boy

The story of the vengeful boy. There was once a boy who hated going to school. He did not have any friends; and for some reason, everyone in his class bullied him. His teachers were just as mean to him as the students were. As a result, he did not enjoy his lessons or even pay attention to what was being taught. He tried talking to his parents about what he was going through in school but they never took him seriously. In fact, they never thought he was telling the truth.

Every time he was in school, it felt like torture to him. The more he tried to play or blend in with the other children, the worse it got for him. This went on for a while until he could not take it anymore. He decided it was time to teach the whole school and everyone around him a lesson.

In his town, was a gun shop that he had been observing for quite a while. He would always spend his after-class hour outside the gun shop, observing what was happening. No one thought anything of this except him. He had been planning a heist all along. One evening, as soon as the shop was closed, he broke into it and stole everything he needed to get his sweet revenge on the school.

Part of the things he stole was a gun and a remote-controlled bomb. With this, the vengeful boy was ready for his mission. He went straight to the school to plant the bomb in one of the rooms and waited for his class to fill up. As his classmates came through one by one, some of them teasing him like they used to, he on this day, could not help but just smile…. as only he knew what lay ahead.

When the class was settled, he took out his gun and started killing all his classmates one by one. He then runs out through the glass window to a safe distance ready to activate his remote control bomb. Unfortunately for him, the bomb blast was much stronger than he anticipated and it had reached his hiding spot. Immediately, the bomb effects removed the skin from his body and blew off his arm.

The pain he was left with was so unbearable that he could not take it. And to think that the police were waiting for him to heal up so as to take him to prison.

“Did I have to do this?”, he wondered.

Moral: Don’t revenge.

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