The Special Dream

There was a boy named Frank who always dreamed of being a dwarf. Every night while he slept, he heard a voice speaking to him of a life that he would live as a dwarf. Every day, he told his parents of this dream, but they told him he just had an active imagination. He lived each day hoping and praying to become a dwarf, but nothing happened to him until he grew up and forgot about this dream.

There was a boy named Frank who always dreamed of being a dwarf. Every night while he slept, he heard a voice speaking to him of a life that he would live as a dwarf. Every day, he told his parents of this dream, but they told him he just had an active imagination.

He lived each day hoping and praying to become a dwarf, but nothing happened to him until he grew up and forgot about this dream. One day, when he was just about 20 years old, he noticed that his body was changing. His voice suddenly became shrieky, his hands and legs became shorter and eventually, he started shrinking.

Confused about what was happening to him, he quickly ran to his parents crying. He was surprised to see his parents looking like giants. He realized that he was the short one. It was at this point that his parents reminded him of his dreams when he was young.

That night when he went to sleep, the dream came to him again. This time, he saw a vision showing him where he needed to go to join other dwarfs. The next morning, he said goodbye to his parents and friends and started off on his journey to the land of dwarfs.

Frank followed the route he had seen in his vision to the other side of the park. He soon met the other dwarfs who looked just like him. He was both excited and scared to start his new life with his new friends. Frank was immediately taken to the leader of the dwarfs. Who welcomed him to the family and told him that he was one of the lucky ones chosen to join the world of dwarfs.

They told him that the dwarfs selected a child born every year to become a dwarf later in their life when he is of age to come and live with them.
From this day on, he started living with the dwarfs and his new life began.

Moral: Don’t lose hope in your dreams.

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