The pink dragon

The pink dragon

The story of the pink dragon. There was once a pink dragon that was always very embarrassed by himself. He was not only pink in color, but while the other dragons breathed fire, his breath was an air of pink color. This made him afraid and ashamed of using it. He would always get teased by all the boy dragons in the town. They would tell him that his ‘coat and breath’ had ‘a girl’s color’. This always made him sad and as such, he never wanted to play with any of the kids in the town. One day, he had enough and he decided to run away, leave and move to a town far away never to come back.

While on his way, he met a knight who was trying to capture him. For the first time in a very long time, he had no choice but to scare away the knight with a breath of his pink fire. As soon as he had used his breath, something unexpected happened. His pink breath of fire did not hurt the knight; instead, it painted his full body, including his silver armor pink. The pink dragon managed to escape from the knight. While he was on his way again that he got a bright idea.

He decided to turn back and go back home to the other dragons. He sprayed the full town including all the dragons with his pink breath turning everything pink.

Now he did not have to be embarrassed as everyone in the town looked just like him.

Moral: Do to others what you want them to do to you.

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